Produse pentru un carbonator (717)

Cărbune de măsline - Reducerea emisiilor de CO2

Cărbune de măsline - Reducerea emisiilor de CO2

El uso de estos biocarbones contribuye a reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2), ya que se trata de un material de origen renovable y su combustión emite menos CO2 que el coque fósil. Además, el CO2 liberado es neutro desde el punto de vista del ciclo del carbono, ya que los olivos que han generado la biomasa utilizada por Carboliva para producir biocarbón absorben CO2 de la atmósfera en la fotosíntesis para producir cada cosecha de aceituna
Analiza carbonului

Analiza carbonului

Total carbon, TC - Total inorganic carbon, TIC, CO2 - Total organic carbon, TOC - Carbidically bound carbon, free carbon We determine the carbon modifications for you: Total carbon, TC - Total inorganic carbon, TIC, CO2 - Total organic carbon, TOC - Carbidically bound carbon, free carbon in different matrices like soils and rocks, oxidic raw materials, carbides and other materials.
Adsorber de Carbon Activat

Adsorber de Carbon Activat

Advantages Micro filtration Area of application Chemical industry and drinking water treatment Flow rate Various filter sizes and the modular design enable any required flow rate. classification number P62 Filter aid - Filtration degree - Medium Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), drinking water Filter material Activated Carbon
Carbon Activ - Carbon Activ

Carbon Activ - Carbon Activ

Activated Carbon
Fabricarea compozitelor și plasarea fibrelor - TFP folosește Tailored Fiber Placement pentru a produce preforme din carbon

Fabricarea compozitelor și plasarea fibrelor - TFP folosește Tailored Fiber Placement pentru a produce preforme din carbon

We offer our innovative fiber laying technology to produce customzied fiber preforms without any waste and in a very efficient way - multi - layer - technology. Especially for complex shapes and forms with locally reinforcements it is the best choice. More efficient than carbon weave or automatic fiber placement (AFP). The elements made form endless fibers have better performance than 3-D-printed parts of carbon, too. Please contact us for a first trial!
BIOCHAR – Îngrășământ natural și capcană de carbon

BIOCHAR – Îngrășământ natural și capcană de carbon

Le Biochar est un charbon d’origine végétale qui est obtenu par la transformation de déchets de bois, déchets verts ou d’excédents de récoltes agricoles. Les apports du Biochar : le biochar va stimuler la vie du sol en favorisant la prolifération des bactéries Augmenter le pouvoir de rétention d’eau et contribuer à améliorer les sols acides ( voir lihtothamne également). L’Aération des sols Utilisation : Gazon : épandre en petites quantités sur la pelouse tondue Arbustes : 50 % biochar + 50 % terreau à la plantation Potager : 1 kg / m2 en plusieurs fois (exemple : automne , printemps aux semis ) Incorporer au sol en mélange avec le compost sur une quinzaine de cm environ. Autres : Répulsif limaces et escargots en barrière autour des plantes et et des légumes Conditionnement : sac 5kg, 10 kg, 20 kg, et Big Bag 200 kg, 500 kg et 1000 kg sur demande POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:20 kg, 10 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg
Filtru cu Carbon Activ

Filtru cu Carbon Activ

actiTube active carbon filter Filters for all types of roll-ups Reduces tar intake Pleasant, fresh and smooth taste


Many industries such as the electronic and hospital industries, pharmaceutical industries, food and beverage sectors require the removal of residual oil vapors and odors from the compressed air. Mikropor’s solution for this application is the MCT Series activated carbon towers. With standard pre and after filters such as particulate filters, water coalescers and oil coalescers, the oil content inside the compressed air can be reduced to 0.01 mg/m³ (0.01 ppm) for applications of EXTREME air quality such as hospital, pharmaceutical industries, or food and beverage industries, the residual oil content may need to be reduced to 0.003 mg/m³ (0.003 ppm).
Dilutie CO12e - Analizor de Monoxid de Carbon

Dilutie CO12e - Analizor de Monoxid de Carbon

QAL1 zertifizierter und US-EPA zugelassener nicht-dispersiver Infrarot-Kohlenmonoxid-Analysator für CO-Messungen im Bereich von 0-50 ppm. CO:0-300 / 6000 ppb CO2:0-20 % Technologie:Verdünnung Entnahmeleitung:Unbeheizter Polytube Funktion Rückspülung:Ja Kalibriergaseingang:Ja
CFC Kilnfurniture Portfolio COVA - Plăci, Bare, Șuruburi, Piulițe

CFC Kilnfurniture Portfolio COVA - Plăci, Bare, Șuruburi, Piulițe

Konstruktionsbauteile aus CFC Platten, Stäbe, Schrauben, Muttern, M5 bis M30 aus kohlenfaserverstärkten Kohlenstoff
Carbon Laser Cutting Machine - Transformă-ți afacerea cu o mașină de tăiat cu laser!

Carbon Laser Cutting Machine - Transformă-ți afacerea cu o mașină de tăiat cu laser!

Carbon is a laser cutting and engraving machine with a modern design and compact size. Our market darling is carefully designed and manufactured to ensure safety, innovation and ease of use. With the best cost-benefit ratio, it's the ideal equipment for Maker Space and handmade production of personalized pieces with a perfect finish. For wood, acrylic, plastics, leather, fabrics, cardboard, rubber, glass, ceramics, and more.
Tester de Carbonatare Asco Co2

Tester de Carbonatare Asco Co2

The ASCO CO2 Carbonation Tester is used to identify any strange odour and/or taste in CO2. With this simple, easy to use kit you can check the quality of your liquid or gaseous CO2 from bulk tanks or CO2 cylinders. The set includes a CO2 carbonation unit, CO2 cartridge with special inner coating, adaptors made of stainless steel and emptying device for CO2 cartridge and easy instructions. Following the easy, laminated an coloured stepbystep instructions with pictures, a sample of water carbonated is tested. The carbonated water is compared for taste and smell with a noncarbonated sample of the same water. easy handling no calibration required ready for immediate use quick and cheap testing method for gaseous and liquid CO2
PurMop BLACK® C1 Sistem de Mop din Carbon

PurMop BLACK® C1 Sistem de Mop din Carbon

C1 ist ein revolutionäres Moppsystem, das Anwenderfreundlichkeit und Performance auf höchstem Niveau bietet. Gefertigt aus einem eigens entwickelten Kohlenstofffaser-Komposit (CFK) und 650 Gramm leicht, ist es wohl das ergonomischste Moppsystem für die Reinraumreinigung. PurMop BLACK® C1 verfügt über eine stufenlose Längenverstellung des Stiels, mit einer Hand bedienbar per Knopfdruck. Die Länge kann an zwei Stellen – dem oberen Griff und am Stiel – verstellt werden, und es ist eine maximale Länge von 212 cm möglich! Für die Wand- und Deckenreinigung ermöglicht eine neuartige, integrierte Halter-Zentrierung ein ergonomisches Überkopfarbeiten ohne ungewolltes Umklappen. Das überarbeitete, vergrößerte Halter- und Moppdesign bietet eine deutlich erhöhte Leistung beim Wischen und der Reinigung von Ecken.
Materiale din carbon - acoperișul unei mașini sport ca parte ușoară

Materiale din carbon - acoperișul unei mașini sport ca parte ușoară

Carbon is a composite material and differs significantly from quasiisotropic materials like steel or aluminium. As with glass fibrereinforced plastics, the material properties depend on the direction. With a density of approx. 1.6 g/cm³, the material is very light, while maintaining good rigidity and vibration behaviour. If you want to increase the rigidity of a GRP component, it is often sufficient to use a blend of glass and carbon fibres.
Filtru de carbon activ carboNOX - PURIFY

Filtru de carbon activ carboNOX - PURIFY

Biogas can contain large quantities of poisonous hydrogen sulphide depending upon the fermentation process and which input materials are used. This gas can cause permanent damage to gas engines or other consumers of the biogas. The majority of the hydrogen sulphide gas can be effectively removed by using an ennox active carbon filter ACF. In addition, the active carbon filter can be used for the removal of damaging siloxane from the biogas, furthermore for the neutralization of unpleasant odours in outgoing air and tanks.
Analizor infraroșu de carbon și sulf

Analizor infraroșu de carbon și sulf

L'analyseur infrarouge de carbone et de soufre analyse la teneur en carbone et en soufre et identifie les performances des métaux, garantissant ainsi la qualification des pièces pour les matériaux entrants. L'analyseur:ACIERS ET MÉTAUX analyseur:Analyseur infrarouge
Model de Carbon

Model de Carbon

La plantilla carbono,está fabricada con una capa superior de tejido PLP y otra capa inferior de espuma de látex negra.Esta plantilla está perforada para permitir la transpiración de los pies. Ideal para todo tipo de calzado. Plantilla recortable para que se adapte a tu talla perfectamente.Contiene 1 par. SKU:726497
Cilindri cu Carbon Activ

Cilindri cu Carbon Activ

Gamme complète de filtres pour le traitement de l’air. Centrale de traitement de l'air, climatisation et chauffage Salle blanche Cabine de peinture
Filtre cu Carbon Activ

Filtre cu Carbon Activ

Ces filtres à COV (Composants Organiques Volatiles) représentent une solution efficace pour retenir les composants gazeux contenus dans l'air, en particulier les molécules odorantes. Ces filtres à odeurs éliminent eficacement les molécules odorantes indésirables, améliorent à longue échéance la qualité de l'air et diminuent les effets nocifs. Les filtres à Charbon Actif sont disponibles sous forme de sacs de granules médias synthétiques imprégnés en rouleau ou panneau cadres filtres multi dièdres caissons cartouches filtres à poches rigides avec média imprégné filtres compacts rigides ou autres supports sur demande suivant votre installation. Information Dans le cas d'un besoin de filtration des odeurs dans une cabine de peinture, à long terme et conformément aux normes environnementales européennes et mondiales, l'utilisation de peinture base hydro (eau) à la place de peintures solvantées est la solution la plus efficace et économique.
Bobine de Oțel Carbon - Diverse Dimensiuni și Grosimi de Oțel Carbon

Bobine de Oțel Carbon - Diverse Dimensiuni și Grosimi de Oțel Carbon

Carbon steel products find applications across various industries. Construction materials, automotive parts, knives, tools, and more are manufactured from carbon steel. Our expert team crafts custom carbon steel products to meet your business needs. With our expert team and extensive product range, we offer carbon steel products tailored to your needs. Discover our symbol of strength and durability carbon steel products. Visit our Get a Quote page.
Carbonat de calciu

Carbonat de calciu

Calcium carbonate is a natural white pigment sourced from limestone. It is widely used across various industries to provide brightness and opacity. This versatile compound enhances color stability and texture in products such as food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Calcium carbonate is also employed in industrial applications like paints and coatings due to its excellent durability and adaptability. EC number:207-439-9 CAS No:471-34-1
Oțeluri cu conținut ridicat de carbon

Oțeluri cu conținut ridicat de carbon

Our high carbon steels are characterized by their greater hardness and good machinability.
solidian GRID - solidian GRID este un întăritor nemetalic din carbon sau sticlă AR

solidian GRID - solidian GRID este un întăritor nemetalic din carbon sau sticlă AR

Carbonbeton ist die Zukunft des Bauens. Unser Beitrag zur Zukunft ist solidian GRID, eine Bewehrungsmatte aus Carbon, das mit innovativer Spitzentechnologie hergestellt wird. Wenn wir unser solidian GRID mit der klassischen Stahlbewehrung vergleichen, hat unsere Carbonbewehrung eine bis zu 7-mal höhere Zugfestigkeit, rostet nicht und trägt somit erheblich zu Einsparungen bei zukünftigen Instandhaltungen und Sanierungen bei. Ein geringerer Verbrauch von Wasser, Sand und Zement macht es zu einem nachhaltigen Produkt. Flexible Abmessungen und das superleichte Gewicht tragen maßgeblich zur Transportersparnis bei – durch diese Vorteile von solidian GRID werden bis zu 80% der Materialien eingespart.


Potassium (K 2 O) : 20 % Azote total (N) : 0,5 % Azote organique (N) : 0,5 % Acides aminés libres : 6 % Matière organique totale : 6 % Sans chlorure : 0,5 g/ pH : 7,5
Red Bull 250ml băutură energizantă - Diverse arome

Red Bull 250ml băutură energizantă - Diverse arome

Flavours available : Red Bull Original Red Bull Blue Red Bull Red Red Bull Sugar Free Red Bull Tropical Red Bull ZERO - Possible forecast on all of our products - Eur Pallets / CHEP Pallets or Hand Loading - Stickering in any language & Repacking at extra cost - Health Certificate and COO available For a detailed quote, please get in touch with our team of specialist - We look forward to hear from you! Classic Red Bull pack 24:108 x 24 pack per pallet Flavours Red bull pack 12:216 x 12 pack per pallet
Plasare Personalizată a Fibrelor - TFP - plasare țintită a fibrelor de înaltă performanță, cum ar fi carbonul, sticla, aramida și bazaltul

Plasare Personalizată a Fibrelor - TFP - plasare țintită a fibrelor de înaltă performanță, cum ar fi carbonul, sticla, aramida și bazaltul

Hierbei werden gebündelte Carbon - Faserstränge = Rovings zielgerichtet auf ein Trägersubstrat abgelegt, man spricht auch einfach von Carbon – Legen. Die Faserablage kann in jeder beliebigen Richtung, d.h. zwischen 0 und 360 Grad erfolgen. Das s.g. Roving - Legen bzw. Fiber Placement ermöglicht die Produktion von speziellen 3-dimensionalen Faserstrukturen. Durch unsere Composite-Technologie können, im Vergleich zur Nutzung von geflochtenem, gewebtem oder gestricktem Material, die Materialkosten extrem reduziert werden, da die Fasern nur selektiv abgelegt werden. Es können dabei definierte Bereiche durch wiederholtes Aufeinanderlegen von Fasern verstärkt werden. Die Materialauswahl ist absolut beliebig. Wir verarbeiten u.a. Aramid, Glas und Kohlefaser. Auch Kombinationen der verschiedenen Materialien sind möglich. Die automatisierte und präzise Faseranordnung dient dazu, die volle Zugfestigkeit der ausgewählten Faser für das jeweilige Produkt optimal zu nutzen.
Extinctor pentru toate aplicațiile - Extinctor

Extinctor pentru toate aplicațiile - Extinctor

Classe A : tous matériaux solides comme le bois, carton, tissus, etc Classe B : tous les liquides inflammables comme l’essence, le fioul, etc Classe C : tous les gaz inflammables comme le butane, propane, gaz de ville, etc Classe F : toutes les huiles, huiles de cuissons, huiles de friteuses, etc Classe D : tous les feux de métaux Consultez nos professionnels Vous pourrez échanger avec nous et établir un devis ensemble afin de trouver la meilleure solution à votre sécurité.
Săpun cu Cărbune Activ și Lapte de Capră - Săpunuri Cosmate

Săpun cu Cărbune Activ și Lapte de Capră - Săpunuri Cosmate

• Carbon soap is a good solution for those who have problems due to their oily skin, especially in summer. This soap absorbs excess oil as well as impurities on the skin and leaves an oil-free appearance. • It is also used in the treatment of acne. It not only eliminates toxins, but also destroys skin imperfections and contributes to acne treatment. It can also be good for the scars left by acne. • If you spend a lot of time outside, you are exposed to a lot of pollution, and you may notice that they are enlarged because of the accumulation of these dirt in your pores. After a while, these pores become easily visible. Carbon soap offers good solutions in this regard. It not only removes impurities, but also treats clogged pores and reduces their size. • Loose skin is a sign of aging and therefore it is necessary to take precautions early. Carbon has the ability to tighten the skin. • It is suitable for all skin types.